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SpecificationsAnd Standards

FSP design and fabricate products which conform to widely recognised industry specifications. Our team also has the expertise to design products to individual specifications as required.

British Telecommunications Specification LN593 – Frames and Covers Precinct

This specification details requirements for a range of Frames and Covers. The units shall be suitable for installation in pedestrian precinct areas and comparable areas, which allow access to BT’s underground network.

British Telecommunications Specification LN593 – Frames and Covers Precinct

Construction Product Regulations

Construction Product Regulations introduced in 2013 harmonise and remove all previous European marks and require manufacturers to apply the CE mark to all qualifying products. In addition, the manufacturer is required to issue a declaration of performance (DoP) for each product supplied with a CE mark. If you are enquiring about a copy of a DoP for a CE marked product that you have or intend to purchase from FSP then please contact the technical team.

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Construction Product Regulations

Highways Agency DDA Compliance Programme

Highways Agency DDA Compliance Programme This guide is intended to assist Area Teams and Service Providers in assessing a range of Highways Agency assets to determine the need for any modifications to meet the requirements of Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 (DDA) and the related codes of practice.

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Highways Agency DDA Compliance Programme

Electricity Substation Construction Issue 4

Design Handbook from National Grid for Civil, Structural and Building Engineering in relation to construction of Electricity Substations. DH10 Issue 4.

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Electricity Substation Construction Issue 4

Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry 7th Edition March 2011

Specification for use in all civil engineering contracts let by Water Undertakers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It supersedes the Sixth Edition (2004) and reflects the water industry’s requirement for comprehensive, universal and relevant specifications for civil engineering contracts.

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Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry 7th Edition March 2011

WRc Sewers for Adoption

Guidance on design and construction of gravity, foul, lateral drains and sewers, surface water sewer systems and sewage pumping stations.

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WRc Sewers for Adoption

CIRIA Guide – Culvert, screen and outfall manual

A guide provided by CIRIA, specialists in hydrology, hydraulics, civil engineering and asset management, which offers information and advice on the design and management of trash and security screens upstream of culverts for use in all of the UK.

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CIRIA Guide – Culvert, screen and outfall manual

Standard for Highways F10

Highway Construction details for Chamber Fittings – Ladder, Handhold & Safety Chain

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Standard for Highways F10

BS EN ISO 14122-4 2016 Safety of machinery, permanent means of access to machinery. Fixed Ladders

This harmonised standard for permanently fixed ladders is for above ground installation and therefore under the CPR products must be supplied with CE marking.

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BS EN ISO 14122-4 2016 Safety of machinery, permanent means of access to machinery. Fixed Ladders

BS EN EN14396:2004 Fixed Ladders for Manholes

This specification applies to permanently fixed ladders. Details are given for performance requirements, mechanical stability and resistance providing protection against falling.

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BS EN EN14396:2004 Fixed Ladders for Manholes

BS EN1090-1:2009 + A1:2011 Load bearing structural steel components up to EXC 2

As of July 1st 2014 any “series” manufactured structural metal components or kits that have been either made in the UK or imported, and to which a harmonised European standard applies, must comply with the CPR & CE marking requirements. The harmonised European standard that applies to structural metalwork is BS EN 1090-1:2009 +A1:2011 and it has been a criminal offence to supply structural metalwork after the 1st of July 2014 unless it conforms to this standard and carries a legitimate CE mark.

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BS EN1090-1:2009 + A1:2011 Load bearing structural steel components up to EXC 2

BS 9124:2008 Steel and aluminium access covers systems with over 1m clear opening.

BS 9124 specifies requirements for access cover systems manufactured from steel or aluminium and with a clear opening greater than 1 m for installations within areas subject to pedestrian and/or slow moving vehicular traffic, for use as covers over chambers and ducts.

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BS 9124:2008 Steel and aluminium access covers systems with over 1m clear opening.

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